Please find below the brief description on format and topics of the main sessions in the JWG.
- Plenary Session
A panel discussion presenting key high-level officials in higher education and research sectors representing both governments. All delegates of the JWG will gather to participate in this session/no other session running at the same time. Topic: Fostering Indonesia-French Higher Education, Research, & Innovation Partnership for Advanced and Sustainable Future
- Parallel Session
A panel discussion presenting senior officials/academics/researchers aims to share information and best practice of higher education and research partnerships between Indonesia and France. There will be two sessions running at the same time in separate locations. Thus, delegates are asked to choose where to make their presence.
Parallel Session A: Partnership in Higher Education/University to University Cooperation (lead by Indonesian Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology/Kemendikbudristek)
Parallel Session B: Partnership in Research, Science, and Innovation (lead by Indonesian National Research and Innovation Agency/BRIN)
- Thematic Workshop
Designed in focus group discussion format, the thematic workshop will immerse delegates with discussion on more specific topics/themes which become the main interest of both Indonesia and France. Delegates can choose where they want to make their presence based on their academic background, work focus, and/or research interests.
List of Fields and Topics of Thematic Workshop Session I- Green Economy
Sustainable Horizons: A Landscape Approach to Green Economy in Agriculture
- Blue Economy
Harmony at Sea : Sustaining Fisheries, Blue Economy, and Fostering Healthy Biodiversity in Our Seas
- Culture, Arts, and Tourism
Safeguarding Our Legacy: Strategies for Protecting Heritage in Tourism, Arts, and Culture (Geodiversity, Biodiversity, Cultural Heritage, History, Archeology, Museology, and Music)
- Space Technology and Observation
Navigating Societal Impact in Space Research and Observation
- Digital Technology and STEM
Unveiling the Digital and Societal Impact of STEM Research: Methodology and Perspectives
- Health and Medical Devices
Forging the Future : Innovative Cooperation in Medicine through Digitalization, One Health, Hospital Collaboration, and Medical Training
- Disability and Inclusivity
Fostering Inclusivity in Research : Empowering Women, New Generation Researchers, and Individuals with Disabilities
- Partnership Methodology
Structuring Effective Partnerships with Academia and Industry for the Benefit of Scientific Innovation
- Green Economy
- High-Level Meeting
A bilateral meeting for ministerial officials only. The rest of delegates can use their time to visit the exhibition once the HLM occurs.